...based on the quality of the dreams I have.
Sometimes, I wake up impressed by the depth and convincing nature of the characters. I even sometimes do the casting job, picking a good actor to play a part. Last night, featured one such face, I think it was Sean Bean, who played a guy who had become rich through a dodgy company called 'Teleclaims'. Furthermore, I am sometimes able to dream up superb locations: realistic and evocative. It is not my ability to get carried along by these dreams that surprises me. After all, it is in the nature of dreams to be an emotional journey, that connect with a person in a deep way, and I think everyone experiences high levels of emotion in their dreams sometimes.
No, what impresses me more on these occasions when my dreams seem so inspired is the little details. Attention to the wardrobe department, local accents, interesting names, great vocabulary in an engaging and thought-provoking dialogue, a complex, layered and yet apparently satisfying plot... that sort of thing.
Of course, by the time I am sufficiently awake to type these things down, the precision of my dream recall diminishes completely. Soon afterwards, the new consciousness of the waking room will wash away the film script in my mind.
And yet at other times I have the most blatantly obvious and unimaginative dreams. To the point where anyone with a merit in BTEC pop-psychology, (or anyone who once picked up a badly-written, female-marketed magazine article that oversimplifies Jungian conceptual theory), would be able to analyze the entirety of the dream in a split-second.
For example, a common recurring dream I have involves swimming across a long stretch of open water to an island that is populated by.... (wait for it!)...
... a woman I am highly attracted to.
So, what happens in these dreams?
Well, to put it simply, (because they are simple dreams) - sometimes I get there and sometimes I don't!
That's it.
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