Sunday, 10 March 2013

Roger Scruton - 'The Face of God' - mini review

Reading The Face Of God, I was not sure what to expect - reactionary justifications or bourgeois cliches. There was some of that, but actually he is a capable philosopher and there is lots of valuable writing and plenty of food for thought.
I agreed with many aspects of what he says about subjectivity not being reducible, and about the way in which the face has 'spiritual' qualities. However, I'm not sure I would share his notion of what spirituality means. I have written an essay on the concept of spirituality, but intend to clarify my writing further at some point soon.
He has interesting things to say about kisses, in particular, and as you'd expect, some reasonable passages about free will and other more typical philosophical material. However, I feel he is wrong about animals. He seems to protest too much the difference between us and animals. He accepts evolution, but won't allow that animals share any of the subjectivity of humans. Animal tears, are not, by his definitions, real tears. Hmm.
Also, interesting writing on the burqa, but it seemed to be at conflict with the positive things said about Venetian masks?
Finally, I thought there was some really good writing on the metaethics of rape, which he describes for example as an "existential assault"; an "annihilation of the subject".

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